Which story is this?

Some of you asked for a description or something to show the difference between this story and other stories... because it's becoming very hard to remember....

This story is about NOUF, ALI, FAHAD, RAWAN, and SAAD....

It's the story that uses N, A, F

---Nouf and Fahad have been the closest friends since they were kids
*b/c their parents were close

--Ali's Austin Martin

Sunday, February 15, 2009

part 19 continuation

We ordered our food and talked for a while, without anything embarrassing or any flirting, thank God, smooth sailing.

After our salads Rawan "needed" the bathroom, yeah right, I can tell when she's lying!

"Ayee ma3aach?" I asked innocently.

"La, la 3adi, keep Ali company." Her evil smile returned, uh huuuh, okay, fine.

"Are you sure?"

"Nouf, 5aleeha, she has you all the time, it's my turn now." Uh-oh, this is what I've been dreading... or wanting? I honestly don't know.

Rawan, supposedly, went to use the bathroom and as soon as she got up, Ali faced me completely, "Nouf, bagoolich shay, mu 8ashmara, I'm dead serious."

"Umm... okay?" I replied nervously.

"Nouf, intay," he paused, "9ayra a beautiful lady." another pause.

"Hehe, umm.. thank you?"

"La2, it's not just that, you've always been 7ilwa 3indi... but I never got a chance to tell you the truth.." Uh-oh.

"Umm, Ali?"

"Bas 5alini I get this out, please, I've been waiting for a very long time."

"I know."

"What?" He looked so confused, "I thought you didn't get any of my messages from Fahad?"

"No, ummm..." Now or never, "I know because Fahad galii.. he told me everything... why you fought... oo that he never gave you a chance... oo..." I paused, not sure if I should continue.

"O shino?" His 3asaly eyes looked deep down into my eyes, I looked away.

"He said he thinks you still like me," I looked back up at him to an unreadable expression, his mouth started moving as if he was about to talk but my phone interrupted him.

We both looked at the screen: Fahad.


  1. offfff 8awiya !!!!!!bs laa a7b Ali bs ham fahad hufffffffffffffff !!!!

  2. she's cheating On fahad ..
    wela ana atkhayyaL?
    ma eser chethey!
    piiiiiickkkkk One N. ;@
    ( and give me the other one to go pls :P )

  3. Hmmmmm

    First of all THANK YOU Amwaaaah for tonight's Post
    Second GOOD LUCK with your HW *ad3eelich*
    Third *sigh* it's hard to choose between two Good men :/ I say she gives Both a fair chance to express their feelings, she's not cheating on fahad, he LOve's her yet Ali didn't have the chance to show his love, and by the way I respect him for moving away and leaving fahad but when he couldn't take it anymore then It might be True Feeling .. I say Give Ali a CHANCE :)
    PS: I love his car TOOOOOOOOOOO

  4. Oh my,

    Why do they both have to be so amazing? :O

    & I think Ali deserves a chance, he might just be the one for her.

    Can't wait for the next post,


  5. cuteness: yeah.. ;( tough choice! ;(

    Silhouette Crime: u got it!

    Anonymous: ee walaah!

    SayOriii ~: hehe that is sooo true!

    Anonymous: ;** you're welcome
    THANK YOU ehheheh :)
    and thank you so much for that long comment... i agree with it completely.. :)it's hard to choose between two Good men :/

    hehehe, :D i think you'll like the post after the next one.. someone's going to ride it :)

    thank youuuu lillyyyy :D

    i know right?!
    it really doesn't help at all!
    i guess the looks and charm runs in their family!
