Which story is this?

Some of you asked for a description or something to show the difference between this story and other stories... because it's becoming very hard to remember....

This story is about NOUF, ALI, FAHAD, RAWAN, and SAAD....

It's the story that uses N, A, F

---Nouf and Fahad have been the closest friends since they were kids
*b/c their parents were close

--Ali's Austin Martin

Monday, May 11, 2009

Johnny Rockets and Realizations.

6afkum ilyoum ib Johnny... I had a "Big Apple" aw shay chithii o bigt cham gi63at apple pie from my sister oo kalait half a brownie sundae.....

'3air hatha route 66 and fries.....

umbay banfijir....

Oooo la7a'6t shay...

my posts are EXTREMELY SHORT!!!

7amdilla wi shikir!

I was looking at the old parts and thinking "what an idiot!" hahah... shal posts..

I know, I know, I still write the same amounts... bas shasawii ya3ni?

BTW, I was proud of the last post.... it was long compared to the others.. wasn't it? :)

dedicated to sylar lover...


Hi, My Name Is...


  1. lol where is the diet :)
    yalla fast tomorrow and you can balance it out :P
    and say hi to your sister ;p
    yalla post part 42
    i am bored and i need some fahad :)

  2. hahah ee wallah wain il diet!
    i really need to loose weight..
    bas shaasawii, everyone was going to johnny's ;p
    aw thanks:) she says hi back :)

    inshallah inshallah soon :)

    heheh ok...:)

    u need some foug? ;)

  3. Hey, i never comment but i ALWAYS read ur blogs! (big fan hehe)

    ilmohem i have a question, sh9ar ib lovedrops? i really loved it! can you please continue? oo plus i love the idea of pictures to describe something, it makes ur blogs special and interesting! keep it up

    xx, F

  4. allaaah wanasteeenii! :) hehe

    I'm going to continue... I actually started a post bas I don't have time to continue it...

    inshallah by next week i'll hit you up with lots of posts. :)

    aw, thank you SO much! you're actually like the first or second person to say something about the pictures... i'll start putting some again on my next posts just for you...

    thank you


    Hi, My Name Is...

  5. AWW! i feel so special ;p

    thank you thank you

    biggest fan, F xx

  6. heeeeeeeeey wain re7tay :(
    why are so many bloggers dissapearing :(
    i miss your blog!
    and miss you!

  7. شكرا جزيلا على العمل الاحترافي. مقاول سيراميك كان سريعا ودقيقا.
