Which story is this?

Some of you asked for a description or something to show the difference between this story and other stories... because it's becoming very hard to remember....

This story is about NOUF, ALI, FAHAD, RAWAN, and SAAD....

It's the story that uses N, A, F

---Nouf and Fahad have been the closest friends since they were kids
*b/c their parents were close

--Ali's Austin Martin

Sunday, March 8, 2009

part 28: two years after part 2 ;)

I looked around the garden at everyone there: Fahad's cousin's, Ali included, his parents, some of his friends, moo min jam3atna, oo My parents, Rawan, some of my other cousins, and friends moo min jam3atna... oo last but not least, a video camera in Rawan's hand oo Rawan laughing hysterically.

Fahad and I looked at each other, blinked, then started laughing. That was hilarious!

"Oh my God, kintaw lazim itchoofoon wiyoohkum" Rawan commented as she approached us, "MABROOK!!" 3a6atnii this bear hug..

"Walla Fahad, ma it5ayaltik ibnaya!" Kaaaaaak! "Bas yallah, inmashii, it5arajt... ;) " Waii Rawan lol!

Ali ya oo baraklina... if you're wondering what happened after that day (the BBQ two years ago), maku, we were all friends.. ma fata7t il maw'6oo3 ma3a oomii oo vice versa... il7een we're at such a stable pace ina 7ada muree7!

We stayed at F's house until 1:30 am celebrating, BBQing, swimming... It was really nice. :) Bas wallah il dinasaurs (our parents) ti3baw fa we had to go home.. o the guests had to go.. salamna 3alaihum oo 6ila3na...

Rawan rij3at baitna ma3ana oo ra7at il 7amam itbadil, tilbis pijamatha.... walla ma achoof walla omee itnadeenii ta7at bil 9ala... ga3da nafs il mukan kanat ga3da fee two years ago.. oo ana ga3adt yamha... deja vu!

6ali3atnii ib this serious stare, oo I knew what it was about, "Nouf, 8arartay?"

I recollected all my thoughts, I knew I couldn't just shove this thing to the side and leave it, it was bound to creep up sometime.... Bas I did think about it after that day, I thought about it everytime I was with Fahad and Ali.

6ala3tha, oo %100 mitakda, giltlaha, "Ee Youma."


  1. and...? menu nagaaat? pls let it be fahad pls pls pls!!!!

  2. miinnooooooo??? yallah nabi n3aref

  3. oops you did it again
    what is this cliff hanger do u have to kill me
    yalla post her answer

    love you

  4. hehehe yallah i'm working on it now.. posting soon...

    love youuu too ;** :)

