Which story is this?

Some of you asked for a description or something to show the difference between this story and other stories... because it's becoming very hard to remember....

This story is about NOUF, ALI, FAHAD, RAWAN, and SAAD....

It's the story that uses N, A, F

---Nouf and Fahad have been the closest friends since they were kids
*b/c their parents were close

--Ali's Austin Martin

Monday, February 23, 2009

part 24

"Ali, Fahad proposed, you know?" I looked down at my hands after we stayed quiet for a while. I peeked through my hair to look at him, he seemed hurt.


"Yeah, but I told him ina after university."

"So you're not getting married now?"


"Nouf, the fight is still on." That made ma angry?! It made me SNAP! THE FIGHT? THE FIGHT?!!

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I burst, my eyes full of anger, staring into Ali's eyes. His expression changed, he was scared now.


"IS THIS JUST A GAME TO THE BOTH OF YOU!!! THE FIGHT IS NOT OVER?!!?! WHAAT?! IS THIS ABOUT YOU MEN AND YOUR DIGNITY?!?!?!?!?!" At that moment, my phone rang, I glanced at the screen, Fahad, "WHAT?!" I replied harshly.

"Are you okay?"

"Fahad are you going to fight Ali for me?!" I screamed into the phone.

"Shinoo?!" He replied and Ali looked at me wide-eyed, "Of course!!" I heard Fahad reply. I CANNOT deal with this!!!

"You know what, you guys, NONE of you are getting me!!!" I screamed into the phone and at Ali, "I AM NOT A GAME!!! I AM A GIRL WITH FEELINGS!!!!!!!!!!! OO RIGHT NOW I DON'T THINK YOU GUYS ARE TALKING ABOUT LOVE, RIGHT NOW, YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT YOUR MANLINESS AND I DON'T FREAKING CARE ABOUT IT!!!!! BYE!!!!!" I screamed at the both of them, got out the car, shut the door so hard, it may have left a dent! Oo ended the conversation with Fahad, Ali calling me from behind, walked to the street and just put my arm up.

First time I do it, and wow, I get a taxi.... haha I laughed to myself, I didn't know you can do that and they just stop. I got into the taxi, slammed the door, gave him my adress and told him to take me home.



  1. laaaaa dont stop :(
    a7san shawy she ended it with both guys
    meskeeena nouf
    thanks walla 4 the post
    good night
    ooo btw first

  2. oh u mean ali, fahad proposed

  3. Omg I know someone who has in the same position w kano cuzinz ba3ad!! Bss her ending was a happy one bss magoolkm shu estwa ! Walla zain itsawi feehoum she is not a game LOVE is not game ! W btw thank youhhhh for removing the word verfication I'm writing this from my bb wohooo xxoxo

  4. OMG! I don't blame you for doing what u did! it's fucking annoying!
    IT'S ALL CONFUSING! 7araam! what r u gna do!??
    but at the end u know Fahad more than Ali, but can u see Fahad more than a best friend?
    Nouf, don't think about their feelings, leave it behind, think about yours...who do u really see yourself more around with??

  5. Zain itsawe feehum, she is not a toy!!

  6. Oh no =(

    It's always like this, a girl either never gets a great guy or when she does theres always some drama involved like.. another great guy -_-''

    I hope Ali secretely has anger issues and isn't really such a nice guy so she can go with Fahad,

    Post soon!


  7. I really like the way you write mashalla!!
    the 2nd anonymous..xxx

  8. Heeeeey :)
    Btw I'm LOVIIIN' your writing mashalla ;)
    What you did was RIGHT .. I think you need a break from their fight.
    Just get your mind of it and don't rush into things, then inshalla everything will be fine :)
    Please post the next one soon, i can't wait to read what happens next.
    xxx Good Luckk

  9. omg .... and then what happened...??

  10. LOVEE ITT ♥
    please post next one SOON!! i can't wait any longer its been five days.. hehe ;**
    anyway i lovee it !!

    Anonymous ;)

  11. more more more
    am ur saudi fan plz let f wins !!!

  12. Anonymous: ee THANK YOU hehh, i changed it as soon as i saw ur comment :)

    Silhouette Crime: heheh il 7amdila happy ending:) inshallah this one will be too
    hehhehe yeahh 7adaa 9a7777? Ra7aaaa :)

    Jam3iiya(L): thank you :D

    Anonymous: ahhhh... it's a hard choice... ugh! we'll have to see!

    love ;**: Thank youuu!

    Starlight<3: hehehe yeah otherwise it won't be an interesting story. :)
    hehehehhehe!! aw 7aram lol

    2nd anonymous: omg thank you soooo muchhhh!! ;**

    Anonymous: THANK YOU thank you thank youu... hheheh :)

    Anonymous: we'll see :)

    Anonymous: heheh i'm sorry, i'm back nowww. :)

    Anonymous: allah i have a saudi fannnn wanasaaa!! thank youu ;** yallah more coming soon ;*
